News: Features

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

UT News

UT Leads Defense Research in Robotics

A University of Texas at Austin collaboration with Army Futures Command is accelerating responsible AI research advancement.

A woman in a VR headset looks at a screen while a person in miltiary camouflage looks at a larger screen in a robotics facility.

Texas Research

Design Thinking Sparks Novel Research Among Newly Tenured Faculty

Among the UT faculty members to strike up cross-sector research partnerships are Michael Drew and Carlos Baiz.

A four-wheeled robot on a desk like surface has tubes and a near-infrared spectrometer labeled NIR QUEST.

Department of Computer Science

Researchers Reduce Human Effort in Robot Training

A UT Robot Perception and Learning Lab project is reshaping humanoid robot training by focusing on data generation.

A representation of a humanoid robot in burnt orange has lines of code in the place where its face would be.


In This Lab, Students Dig Into Antibiotic-Resistance Research

Meet the team behind a newly transformed experiential-learning biology course, reaching hundreds of UT students.

Meet the team behind a newly transformed experiential-learning biology course, reaching hundreds of UT students.

UT Bridging Barriers

RISE and Shine: Cutting-Edge Technology Protecting Life in Texas

Planet Texas 2050 has a project with integrative biology faculty focused on species and ecosystems in the state.

A green jay perches on a moss-covered branch.

Dell Medical School Mission Critical

New Inroads on a Quiet and Deadly Cancer

A nutritional sciences and Dell Med faculty research collaboration uses metabolism to address pancreatic cancer.

Two men in glasses, white coats and other PPE sit at lab benches opposite one another, smiling in their separate spaces.


Take a Peek into What the Turtles Have Been Up To While They’re Away From the Turtle Pond

As students prepare to go on break, the turtles are away from the main campus, too.

Open mouth turtle


Texas Teacher of the Year Trained in the College’s UTeach Program

Christine Mihealsick was a biology major and early graduate of the award-winning STEM teacher preparation program.

A woman with shoulder-length straight hair smiles in front of a verdent background, and a graphic frame features burst shapes and Spanish tiles.

Dell Medical School Mission Critical

Predicting the Unpredictable Regarding Gestational Diabetes

Nutritional sciences and Dell Med faculty leverage science, medical imaging and AI for predicting the condition.

A man and woman, each wearing blazers gesture with their hands as they converse near an MRI machine


Catch Up on All Things Artificial Intelligence-Inspired at AI LIVE

This week brings dozens of AI learning opportunities, spanning six tracks, from research to health to ethics.

AI LIVE appears against a burnt orange haze over the University of Texas at Austin campus surrounded by squares representing pixels.