Discovering the fundamental laws of nature and the origin and structure of the universe.

In Pursuit of Answers to Big Questions
Here in UT Austin physics, students study in the highest ranked physics program within 1,500 miles—and researchers push the envelope of discovery. With strengths in cosmology, relativity, gravity, plasma and much more, UT physics offers meaningful opportunities in research, class and outreach settings to engage with the most fundamental of all natural sciences.

The Freshman Research Initiative (FRI) was one of the very unique experiences I had while at UT Austin. I got to actually do science and not just read about it. Getting that very early exposure to work in a lab was really something that helped sustain my passion, and it is one of the reasons I continue doing research today.”
AbdulRaheem Bello
Astronomy and Physics
Experiences & Careers
Physics majors at UT Austin do thrilling research alongside faculty studying fusion, plasma, quantum phenomena and the cosmos. They study abroad, venture into summer projects in national labs and embark on entrepreneurial endeavors. Their training prepares them for careers in research, technology and many other areas. Recent grads have job titles like:
- Propulsion analyst
- Scientific software developer
- Surface warfare officer
- Physicist

Explore Stories
From laser physics to wielding the world’s most powerful academic supercomputer in theory research, our scientists and students make working with the most fundamental of the sciences memorable. Research here takes you to frontier areas of science, where students team with faculty leaders on some of the largest international experiments in all of science and make fundamental discoveries about the world.
Up close at the first discovery of gravitational waves
Study & Learn
All aspects of the physical universe are of interest to the physicist, who seeks to understand not only the smallest forms of matter and the rich phenomena present in our everyday lives but also the universe itself. There are several degree options and a new certificate in Quantum Information Science available to undergraduates, as well as options to pursue graduate study.
Evidence and Inquiry
Physics: Option 1
Physics: Option 2
Physics: Option 3
Radiation Physics
Physics: Option 4
Space Sciences
Physics: Option 5
Teaching, Composite Science Certification
Physics: Option 5
Teaching, Physics & Mathematics Certification
Physics: Option 5
Teaching, Physical Science Certification
Physics: Option 5
Teaching, Math, Physical Science & Engineering Certification
Physics: Option 6
Physics: Option 7
Quantum Information Science
UTeach-Natural Sciences Accelerated Track
UTeach Natural Sciences Secondary Teaching Option
Physics News

Paving the Way to Extremely Fast, Compact Computer Memory
Materials with high magnetoelectric coupling could be useful in novel devices such as magnetic computer memories, chemical sensors and quantum computers.