
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

UT News

Semiconductor Master’s Program Will Offer Hands-on Experience in Rapidly Growing Industry

The new program will help fill the demand for semiconductor scientists and engineers and give students a chance to lead in a booming industry.

A gloved hand uses a tool resembling tweezers to manipulate a tiny item in a well equipped lab.


Undergraduate Researchers Help Unlock Lessons of Machine Learning and AI

From large language models to brain-machine interfaces, students work with faculty on cutting-edge research.

Four students post on a staircase near a limestone building at UT.

UT News

Surviving a Volcanic Supereruption May Have Facilitated Human Dispersal Out of Africa

Graduate students Jessica Valdes and Keenan Riordan were on a team that found humans may have dispersed during arid times along “blue highways.”

Map of northeastern Africa indicating location of an archaeological site

McDonald Observatory

April 8 Eclipse Update from McDonald Observatory

On Monday, April 8, parts of North America will experience a total solar eclipse and the UT observatory offers tips.

A woman dawns protective eclipse glasses and looks at the sun on a cloudless day

Department of Molecular Biosciences

McLellan Named Recipient of the 2024 IVI-SK Bioscience Park MahnHoon Award

The International Vaccine Institutes Bioscience Park MahnHoon Award recognizes his role in the development of several vaccines.

Man in a white lab coat standing in front of scientific equipment


One Year After Chat GPT-4, Researcher Reflects on What to Know about Generative AI

Insights from Risto Miikkulainen, a UT Austin professor of computer science and VP of AI Research at Cognizant Advanced AI Labs.

An aerial view of the University of Texas at Austin campus and Tower is overlain with bits and burnt orange from the Year of AI theme.

UT News

The Sun’s Corona: A Boiling Pot On An Ice Cube

Jarrod Bianco and Maile Marriott, two graduate students working with physicist Anna Tenerani, talk heliophysics.

A dark line intersects with rings of color and blackness as a light emenates out.


Alzheimer’s Drug Fermented With Help From AI and Bacteria Moves Closer to Reality

An innovative approach uses artificial intelligence and biosensors to pave the way for faster drug development.

Image of bacteria and biosensors


First Recognition of Self in the Mirror Is Spurred by Touch

New evidence reveals that young children learn self-awareness through experiences of touch.

A toddler gazes at herself in the mirror and smiles.

UT News

The Challenges, Possibilities and Ethics of AI-Enabled Robots

Experts weighed in at UT’s Hook ‘Em House at SXSW, including Peter Stone who has devoted his professional life to programming and developing robots.

A man on a panel gestures with his hands while his fellow panelists look on.