Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin
How AI is Accelerating Discovery
AI is transforming how scientists design cancer drugs and vaccines, study star formation and understand the brain.
UT News
Astronomers Use AI to Find Elusive Stars 'Gobbling Up' Planets
The work reveals what planets outside our solar system are made of.
AI Opens Door to Safe, Effective New Antibiotics to Combat Resistant Bacteria
Protein large language models identify ways to make antibiotics better at targeting dangerous bacteria, without being toxic to humans.
Building Industry Bridges: Computer Scientist Peter Stone Tackles New Role for Sony, While Leading at UT
Peter Stone of UT computer science leads Sony AI in the U.S. and is now its chief scientist and deputy president.
UT Marine Science Institute
Are Parrotfishes Friends or Foes to Coral Reefs?
Parrotfishes help corals grow and survive, grazing on what can otherwise smother corals. But there are trade-offs.
College of Natural Sciences Faculty Receive NSF CAREER Awards
The awards from the National Science Foundation support innovative work by earlier-career faculty.
In Robot Soccer and More, UT Students Best the Competition in Eindhoven
Among hundreds of teams from around the world competing at RoboCup 2024, UT researchers and their robots shine.
McDonald Observatory
Astronomers Better Identify the Cygnus Loop’s Distance from Earth
Knowing how far away this supernova remnant is will help answer fundamental questions about what happens when stars explode.
AI at Work
Maytal Saar-Tsechansky and Samantha Shorey consider the ways that AI might change how we work and how to prepare for the future.
Paving the Way to Extremely Fast, Compact Computer Memory
Materials with high magnetoelectric coupling could be useful in novel devices such as magnetic computer memories, chemical sensors and quantum computers.