News: Research
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin
This Enzyme Plays a Key Role in Protecting Cells from Aging and Disease
Researchers from UT Austin have discovered insights about an enzyme that can protect cells from oxidative stress.

Ultra-Processed Foods Pose Unique Dangers for People With Type 2 Diabetes
Researchers found ultra-processed foods, even diet ones, bring distinct risks for people with diabetes.

Researchers Identify Promising Combination Therapy for Common Blood Cancer
By exploiting the metabolism of cancer cells, researchers can make hard-to-treat cancers more susceptible to existing drugs.

UT Astronomers Find JWST Data Conflicts with Reionization Models
Observations from the James Webb Space Telescope spawned a new tension around when a major change in the universe happened.

UT News
UT Astronomers Race To Capture Image of Exoplanet Near Star
Brendan Bowler was part of a team to help find the lowest-mass/closest-to-its-host-star distant planet ever found.

Jackson School of Geosciences
The ‘Lost’ Prehistoric Cats of Natural Bridge Caverns
Melissa Kemp is part of a team studying recently recovered cat fossils from a Texas cave that are about 11,500 years old.

AI Trained on Evolution’s Playbook Develops Proteins that Spur Drug and Scientific Discovery
EvoRank offers a new and tangible example of how AI may help bring disruptive change to biomedical research and biotechnology more broadly.

Department of Computer Science
Keeping Up with AI’s Increasingly Complex Networking Demands
A new framework called Transcraft makes the process of designing and implementing new network stacks simpler and more adaptable.

McDonald Observatory
Early Dark Energy Could Resolve Cosmology’s Two Biggest Puzzles
Michael Boylan-Kolchin and others show “early dark energy” might help solve the Hubble Tension and explain why there are more early galaxies than expected.

Carbohydrate Polymers Could be a Sweet Solution for Water Purification
In Cassandra Callmann and her team’s proof-of-concept, the sticky materials removed heavy metals including cadmium and lead.