PCL STEM Study Center
Peer tutoring is available for students enrolled in College of Natural Sciences courses. Tutoring sessions are held via Zoom and in person. Classes for which tutoring is offered are:
- Biology: BIO 311C, BIO 311D, BIO 325
- Chemistry: CH 301, CH 302, CH 320M, CH 320N
- Biochemistry: BCH 369/BCH 339F
- Neuroscience: NEU 330, NEU 335
Spring 2025
Tutoring begins Sunday, January 19 and ends on Sunday, May 4.
Tutoring is closed on MLK Day January 20.
Tutoring is closed during Spring Break, Sunday, March 16 through Saturday, March 22.
Tutoring is offered on Zoom only between Monday, April 28 through Sunday, May 4.

Please feel free to drop in for tutoring with any questions that you may have. Our tutors can help you to prepare for your classes, assist with your homework assignments, and offer so much more.
They are available to answer questions about their experiences with UT STEM coursework, what to do during midterms and finals, and can provide resources to point you in the right direction towards successfully onboarding to your new college life.
We are located in the PCL STEM Study Center on the 2nd floor of PCL – through the main entry doors and all the way to the back in Learning Spaces 1 & 2.
Zoom etiquette suggestions:
- Be sure to mute your mic whenever you are not speaking.
- Consider muting your video if you are completing a non-Zoom related task.
- Close unneeded applications on your computer to keep the video optimally functioning.
- You might want to use a headset with an external mic for best hearing and speaking capabilities.
- When you are speaking, let others know that you are finished.
- If you want to speak, use the “raise hand” feature that is available at the bottom center of your screen.
- You can ask questions using the “Chat” feature on the bottom and center of your screen.
- Be mindful of your background lighting.
- Be sure that there is nothing visually distracting.
- Remember to sign out or “leave the meeting” when the session is finished.
Tutoring Centers
- PCL STEM Study Center – Offers space, time, and support for meeting, studying and collaborating. Free tutoring is available. More details below.
- Sanger Learning Center – UT Austin’s main resource for academic support. Free tutoring, help with study skills, help with public speaking and more are available.
- University Writing Center – Provides one-on-one consultations for student writers.
- Calculus Lab – The Mathematics Department is offering students enrolled in calculus courses at UT the chance to receive help and work with classmates in a room that's open five days a week for the afternoon and evening. The lab will be staffed by current mathematics graduate students (including your calculus TA), as well as advanced undergraduate course assistants.
- Physics tutoring and support – Students in physics classes have opportunities to receive tutoring and learning assistance for many classes.