Mental Health & Well-being Resources

Mental, physical and emotional wellness is of paramount importance.

Student Wellness Center

In the CNS Student Wellness Center in Painter Hall (PAI) on the fifth floor, you can access non-academic coordinators and counselor in academic residence (CARE) services in one area. Find resources, connect with a CNS student mental health ambassador and learn more about services like the ones listed below.

Mental Health Services & Resources

  • Need help now? TimelyCare offers free, 24/7 confidential and real-time virtual counseling via chat and phone.
  • Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC) – provides counseling, psychiatric, consultation, and prevention services that facilitate students' academic and life goals and enhance their personal growth and well-being.
  • CARE Counselors – Offer short-term counseling and mental health consultation, workshops and outreach, and assistance in connecting to resources on and off campus in an accessible academic setting.
    • CNS has CARE counselors you may contact with concerns or to schedule an appointment:
      Nic Dahlberg at (512) 232-9247
      Damaris Rodriguez at (512) 471-7162
      Katie Griffin at (512) 232-3685
    • The CARE counselor office is in PAI on the fifth floor in the new CNS Student Wellness Center.
  • The Longhorn SHARE Project (Support, Healing, Active listening, Reciprocity, Empowerment) – A mental health and social connection-focused peer support program under the Longhorn Wellness Center. They offer a range of non-clinical, non-hierarchical, comfortable spaces for UT students with shared lived experiences or identities to experience mutual support, growth, vulnerability and genuine connection. SHARE Support Specialists are certified in Mental Health First Aid with a semester+ of training in active listening, motivational interviewing, group facilitation and more.
  • CMHC Crisis Line is available 24/7 at 512-471-2255.
  • CMHC Groups, Classes & Workshops – Free groups, classes, and workshops that facilitate self-improvement and the alleviation of suffering. Topics: tobacco cessation, mindful eating, coping with anxiety, dissertation support and more.
  • MindBody Labs – Learn how to improve your emotional and physical health with relaxation techniques, meditation, guided imagery and more.

Non-Academic Coordinators 

Different from mental health counselors, the CNS Non-Academic Coordinators help students navigate when life events and academics collide. Be sure to speak with them at the beginning of the crisis if possible to start the documentation trail if it’s needed. Please schedule an appointment with one of our Non-Academic Coordinators directly at their booking links below.

Lindsay Krog Lindsay Book Here
Deanna Tilley Deanna Book Here

Message from the Dean

Health & Basic Services

University Health Services offers everything from seasonal vaccines to routine medical care, check-ups and a nurse advice hotline.

UT Outpost is an on-campus food pantry and career closet for currently enrolled students at UT Austin in need of food or gently used professional clothes.

Services for Distinct Populations

  • Disability and Access (D&A) – Determines eligibility and helps implement reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Provides outreach across campus to create a more inclusive, accessible and welcoming environment.
  • CMHC Classes, Coordinators & Groups – Identity-based drop-in discussion groups are available on campus. Groups are free, confidential and no appointment is necessary.
  • Longhorn TIES Support  – Seeks to enhance the student experience for students who identify as being on the autism spectrum or neurodivergent or who have other related conditions; advocacy, connections and training start with the new student orientation process and continue throughout the student’s academic career.