News: Chemistry

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


A Love Letter from Texas Scientists to the Periodic Table

We're celebrating the 150th anniversary of the periodic table. Join us as we tour the cosmos, from the microscopic to the telescopic, with four scientists studying...

A series of cupcakes arranged to look like the periodic table


New Drug Has Potential to Protect Brain Cells from Traumatic Injuries

Stephen Martin and James Sahn have demonstrated that a new compound protects brain cells in mice that have been subjected to brain trauma, raising the prospects...

Illustration of the interior of the brain showing active neurons lit up

UT News

UT Austin Chemist Wins King Faisal International Prize in Science

Allen Bard, a professor of chemistry at The University of Texas at Austin, was announced as the winner of the 2019 King Faisal International Prize...

Chemist Allen Bard in a turtleneck in front of a chalkboard with notes


Chemistry Graduate Student Awarded Prestigious Spanish Fellowship

Orhi Esarte Palomero was presented his award certificate by King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain.

Queen Letizia of Spain presents Orhi with his award certificate.


Dave Thirumalai Awarded Langmuir Prize in Chemical Physics

Davarajan Thirumalai, a professor of chemistry, received the Irving Langmuir Prize in Chemical Physics.

Dave Thirumalai in a collared shirt smiling


Visualizing Science 2018: Beauty and Inspiration in College Research

Winners of the 2018 Visualizing Science contest include images of nanomaterials, the connection between chaos and electronics and a glimpse into the aural lives of...

A pseudocolored transmission electron micrograph of nanodroplets filled with paramagnetic metals and perfluorocarbon materials.


CNS Welcomes New Faculty As Fall Semester Begins

Seal of the University of Texas at Austin with a burnt orange filter on the image

UT News

Making Cancer’s Metabolism More Normal Blocks Drug Resistance

A new combination of existing drug reduces the size of cancerous tumors in mice much more effectively than current treatments.

The chemical structure of C1, a drug combining two active elements.


Scientists Map a Complicated Ballet Performed in Our Cells

Artist rendering of how DNA is condensed into a chomosome