News: Podcast

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


The Next 50 Years: A Model of Life on the Atomic Scale

Can we simulate life — in all its messy complexity and at the scale of each individual atom — in a computer?

Illustration of a biological cell


Science Amid the Social Distance

A compilation from our previous episodes that we hope will help you find some solace right now: in rediscovering life, the people we're closest with...

A cross-section of a nautilus shell


The Next 50 Years: An A.I. Designed to Make Life Better

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more a part of our daily lives. But will AI have mostly positive or negative impacts on society?

Illustration of a robot walking through a cloud of symbols for money, driving, housekeeping and health care float by


The Next 50 Years: Your Perfect Meal and Exercise Plan

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be able to follow a specific diet or exercise plan and others fail? The answer might...

A line indicating a heartbeat moves through a field of floating fruits


The Next 50 Years: A Global Census of Life

Biologist David Hillis aims to discover the 80 percent of species on Earth that scientists know nothing about in the next few decades.

A montage of beetles, leaves, butterflies and DNA


Coming Soon: A New Podcast Miniseries

In January 2020, we will be releasing a new miniseries called The Next 50 Years.

Logo consisting of a microscope in front of an abstract background


You Belong Here: What It Takes for Success in College

Why do so many first-year students struggle in college? Who is most likely to fail? And what can professors and staff do to help them...

Two students talking on steps in front of the main administration building at the University of Texas at Austin


Experimental Vaccine Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Elicits Strong Immune Response

After decades of research, an effective RSV vaccine now seems within reach

A patient receives a vaccination in the arm


New AI Sees Like a Human, Filling in the Blanks

An artificial intelligence agent that can glance quickly at parts of a new environment and infer the full scene might be more effective on dangerous...

Silhouettes of a human and a robot looking at a painting in a museum


A Machine That Understands Language Like a Human

Alex Huth is trying to build an intelligent computer system that can predict the patterns of brain activity in a human listening to someone speaking.

Illustration of a brain with different regions colored differently