News: Accolades

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

Department of Computer Science

Bill Press Named to President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

Bill Press will provide scientific perspective to the White House as a member of President Biden's PCAST

Portrait of a man in a suit and glasses


Natural Sciences Researchers Win President’s Award for Global Learning

A team with two CNS undergraduates of UT Austin were involved with research about the relationship between undergraduates' mental health and their social support networks...

A group of five people wearing blue tshirts with univesity of texas longhorn logos


Three Natural Sciences Faculty Receive NSF CAREER Awards

UT Austin assistant professors in the Department of Computer Science and Department of Chemistry have been selected for NSF CAREER awards.

Headshots of three scientists


Research on Language Learning Yields Mitchell Prize for UT Austin Statisticians

Giorgio Paulon and Abhra Sarkar researched how nonnative English speakers learned another language's tonal differences.

Illustration of human brain processing language

Department of Molecular BIosciences

Jason McLellan Named Texas Inventor of the Year

For his role in biomedical research linked to the development of vaccines and treatments for COVID-19, the professor of molecular biosciences won the award given...

A bearded man in a white lab coat stands in front of a large white cabinet


Biologist Awarded Radcliffe and Guggenheim Fellowships

Steven Phelps will research how and why animals form attachments as part of a book project focused on the biology of intimacy.

Portrait of a man with glasses and a suit


Two CNS Faculty Receive President’s Associates Teaching Excellence Awards

Laura Lashinger and Sally Ragsdale received awards recognizing the university’s educational innovators who demonstrate exceptional undergraduate teaching in the core curriculum.

Portraits of two women

UT News

Jonathan Sessler Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Chemist Jonathan L. Sessler of The University of Texas at Austin has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, the country’s most prestigious scientific...

Jonathan Sessler, in suit and tie, smiles and stands before white board with notes


Mathematician Receives Jean Holloway Award for Excellence in Teaching

Amanda Hager was recognized for demonstrating "a warm spirit, a concern for society and the individual, and the ability to impart knowledge while challenging students...

Portrait of a woman