
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


How to Best Support LGTBQ Youth, According to Science

Simple steps adults can take to support the young people around them.

Abstract image with human figures. One holds an umbrella over another

UT News

Holy Bat Memory! Frog-Eating Bats Remember Ringtones Years Later

Frog-eating bats trained to associate a phone ringtone with a tasty treat remembered what they learned for up to four years in the wild.

A bat rests on a cloth


Attackers Can Syphon Crypto Keys with Newly Discovered Attack

Hertzbleed takes advantage of a thermostat-like mechanism that processors use to run programs as quickly as possible without overheating

Computer chip sitting on a motherboard


Devleena Samanta Invents Ways to Detect Molecules in Living Cells

Learn more about Devleena Samanta's decision to join UT Austin's Department of Chemistry in fall 2021 and what her research focuses on.

Portrait of a woman

Department of Molecular Biosciences

Jason McLellan Named Finalist for Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists

Photo of Dr. McLellan in Sauer Lab at UT Austin

UT News

Legacy of Colonialism Influences Science in the Caribbean

An international collaboration of researchers shows how the legacy of colonialism remains deeply entrenched within scientific practice across the Caribbean.

Map of the Caribbean

UT News

How Electric Fish Were Able to Evolve Electric Organs

How small genetic changes enabled electric fish to evolve electric organs.

A glowing electric fish against a pitch dark background


Assistant Professor Lief Fenno is Developing New Tools to Treat Addiction

Neuroscientist Lief Fenno of UT Austin partakes in research which advances the understanding of addiction and how it can be treated.

Portrait of a man


Undergraduate Research Played Role in Paper Tied to Early Career Award

UT Austin alumni involved in Freshman Research Initiative Labs during their time at UT later contributed to a paper that the Journal of Coordination Chemistry singled out...

Portrait of five people


Living Laboratories: Field Stations Offer Opportunities for Real-World Science

A network of field stations helps scientists understand invasive species, climate change impacts and search for potential green fuels.

A bearded man in a blue shirt stands in a field of tall grass