News: Physics

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


New Gravitational Wave Catalog Reveals Black Holes of ‘All Shapes and Sizes’

In a paper published Nov. 7th on the preprint server ArXiv, the team has detected a further 35 gravitational wave events since the last catalog release in...

Chart showing masses of more than 100 black holes and neutron stars detected by gravitational waves


Markert Recognized as a 2021 American Physical Society Fellow

Physicist named a 2021 APS Fellow for her research on a quark-gluon plasma that existed less than a second after the Big Bang.

Portrait of a woman


New Model Reveals How Chromosomes Get Packed Up

The first theoretical model of condensin, a molecular machine involved in packing and unpacking chromosomes, accurately reproduces all known experiments with just two parameters.

Illustrations of a molecule in two states, open and closed

UT News

UT Austin Mourns Death of World-Renowned Physicist Steven Weinberg

Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg, a professor of physics and astronomy at The University of Texas at Austin, has died. He was 88.

Portrait of a man in a suit with arms crossed in front of a blackboard


First Confirmed Detection of Neutron Stars Crashing into Black Holes

UT Austin scientists were involved in detecting two events, occurring 10 days apart in January 2020, in which black holes and neutron stars collided.

illustration - nsbh disruption


Graduating Senior Finds Passions in Exoplanets and Outreach

Zoe de Beurs wasn't sure what she wanted to do when she first arrived at UT Austin, but after graduating, she started a Ph.D. in...

A young woman in a graduation gown


Cosmic Rumbles: New Faculty Probe Universe for Gravitational Waves

A couple who joined the Department of Physics in 2020, Pablo Laguna and Deirdre Shoemaker, study violent events in the universe, like when cosmic heavyweights...

Portrait of a man and woman


Four Natural Sciences Faculty Receive Sloan Research Fellowships

​Carlos Baiz, Caroline Morley, Andrew Potter and Urbain Weyemi are among the 128 scholars from across the country selected by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to receive the 2021 Sloan...

Headshots of four scientists


The College Welcomed New Faculty in 2020

See the new faces at the College of Natural Sciences.

Seal of the university of texas with an orange filter