Honors Societies
In addition to Honors Day, distinctions and other recognition programs, there are honor societies and departmental honors.
Honor societies are student organizations that require their members to demonstrate high academic achievement. Natural sciences students are also eligible for membership in university-wide honor societies.
There are a number of College of Natural Sciences-specific honor societies, including:
- Alpha Epsilon Delta
- A national premedical/predental society
- Potential members must have at least 45 semester hours credit and a 3.0 grade point average, both overall and science.
- Alpha Phi Sigma
- A national premedical honor society founded on the principles of scholarship, service, and leadership.
- Potential members must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better, and members must volunteer a minimum of 10 hours/semester.
- Beta Beta Beta
- A Biological Honor Society for UT students dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study.
- Potential members must have a 3.0 biology GPA, must major in Biology, and must have and at least 3 hours of upper division biology credit the semester that they pledge.
For more information on university-wide honor societies, like Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Lambda Delta, visit the university's page devoted to Honors Societies.

Departmental Honors
Most departments in the College of Natural Sciences offer departmental honors opportunities to their students. Minimum requirements typically include:
- a University grade point average of at least 3.00
- a three-semester-hour thesis or research project, or a reasonable equivalent, with a grade of at least B; some programs may require a higher grade
- completion, with a grade point average of at least 3.50, of the coursework required for a major in the field in which the student seeks honors
- completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
The statement "Special Honors in (name of field)" appears on the transcript of each graduate certified as having completed the honors program.
Information for Departmental Honors is available below:
Astronomy Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek special departmental honors in astronomy should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. Caitlin Casey. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a combined University grade point average in physics and astronomy of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) Astronomy 379H, Honors Tutorial Course, in which the student completes a supervised research project; the student may take a second semester of Astronomy 379H if necessary to complete the project; two semesters in this course may be counted toward the major requirement; (2) a written report and oral presentation on the research project, approved by the research supervisor and the honors adviser; (3) a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a combined University grade point average in physics and astronomy of at least 3.50; and (4) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Biochemistry Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek special departmental honors in biochemistry should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. Jeffrey Barrick, no later than the beginning of the senior year. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in chemistry of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) all requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry; (2) two semesters of Biochemistry 379H, Biochemistry Honors Tutorial Course; (3) a thesis and a presentation based on research; the research topic and the thesis must be approved by the supervising faculty member and the undergraduate faculty adviser; (4) a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in biochemistry and chemistry of at least 3.50; (5) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree; and (6) approval of the honors adviser.
Biology Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek special departmental honors in biology should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. Ruth Buskirk, no later than the beginning of the senior year. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in biology of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors, which are in addition to the requirements of the major, are (1) Biology 679H or two semesters of Biology 379H, Honors Tutorial Course; (2) a thesis or presentation based on original research and approved by the supervising faculty member and the honors adviser; honors students in the human biology option must select both a thesis supervisor and a second reader, one of whom must be a tenure-track faculty member or senior lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences; (3) a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in biology of at least 3.50; and (4) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Chemistry Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek special departmental honors in chemistry should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. Simon Humphrey, no later than the beginning of the senior year. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in chemistry of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) all requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry; (2) two semesters of Chemistry 379H, Chemistry Honors Tutorial Course; (3) a thesis and a presentation based on research; the research topic and the thesis must be approved by the supervising faculty member and the undergraduate faculty adviser; (4) a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in chemistry of at least 3.50; (5) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree; and (6) approval of the honors adviser.
Computer Science Departmental Honors
Note that this is distinct from the Turing Scholars Program
Students seeking special departmental honors must meet with the honors advisor at least two semesters before they plan to graduate to discuss potential research topics and the requirements for receiving special departmental honors. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) Computer Sciences 379H, Computer Sciences Honors Thesis, with a grade of at least B; (2) a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in computer sciences of at least 3.50; (3) a thesis, written on the subject of the student's research and approved in comprehensive examination by a committee consisting of at least three faculty members, including the honors adviser; and (4) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Human Development and Family Sciences Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek special departmental honors in human development and family sciences should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. Lisa Neff, no later than the beginning of the senior year. The requirements for admission are a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in coursework in the Department of Human Ecology that is required for the degree. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) all requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Sciences; (2) Human Development and Family Sciences 379H, Honors Tutorial Course; this course may be repeated once for credit; (3) completion of an honors thesis and an accompanying presentation, both of which must be approved by a committee consisting of the research supervisor and another faculty member; (4) a University grade point average of at least 3.00, a grade point average in Human Development and Family Sciences 379H of at least 3.00, and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in coursework in the Department of Human Ecology that is required for the degree and for honors; and (5) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Nutrition Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek special departmental honors in nutrition should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. Christopher Jolly, no later than the beginning of the senior year. The requirements for admission are a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in coursework in the Department of Human Ecology that is required for the degree. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) all requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nutrition; (2) Nutrition 379H, Honors Tutorial Course; this course may be repeated once for credit; (3) completion of an honors thesis and an accompanying presentation, both of which must be approved by a committee consisting of the research supervisor and another faculty member; (4) a University grade point average of at least 3.00, a grade point average in Nutrition 379H of at least 3.00, and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in coursework in the Department of Human Ecology that is required for the degree and for honors; and (5) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Public Health Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek departmental honors in public health should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. Sonia Gonzalez, no later than the beginning of the senior year. Students are encouraged to apply as early as the beginning of the junior year. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in public health of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) all requirements for the degree of the Bachelor of Science in Public Health; (2) two semesters of Public Health 379H, Honors Tutorial Course; (3) a thesis and presentation based on research and approved by the research supervisor and the honors adviser; (4) a University grade point average of at least 3.00, a grade point average in public health of at least 3.50, and grades of at least a B in Public Health 379H; and (5) completion at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Textiles and Apparel Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek special departmental honors in textiles and apparel should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. Ann Reed, for admission to the honors program no later than the beginning of the senior year. The requirements for admission are a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in coursework in the Department of Human Ecology that is required for the degree. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) all requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Textiles and Apparel; (2) Textiles and Apparel 379H, Honors Tutorial Course; this course may be repeated once for credit; (3) completion of an honors thesis and an accompanying presentation, both of which must be approved by a committee consisting of the research supervisor and another faculty member; (4) a University grade point average of at least 3.00, a grade point average in Textiles and Apparel 379H of at least 3.00, and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in coursework in the Department of Human Ecology that is required for the degree and for honors; and (5) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Mathematics Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek special departmental honors in mathematics should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. Theresa Martines, at least two semesters before their expected graduation. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in mathematics of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) Mathematics 379H, Honors Tutorial Course; (2) a thesis on the subject of the student's research or project approved in comprehensive examination by a committee consisting of at least three faculty members; (3) a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in mathematics of at least 3.50; and (4) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Neuroscience Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek special departmental honors in neuroscience should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. John Mihic, no later than the beginning of the fourth year; application by the end of the third year is recommended. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a University grade point average in neuroscience of at least 3.50 are required to enter the program.
The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) Neuroscience 379H, Honors Tutorial Course, in which the student completes a supervised research project; up to 6 semester hours of NEU 379H may be counted toward the major requirement; (2) a written report or an oral presentation on the research project, approved by the research supervisor and the honors adviser; (3) a final University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a combined University grade point average in neuroscience of at least 3.50; and (4) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Physics Departmental Honors
Majors who plan to seek special departmental honors in physics should apply to the honors adviser, Dr. Greg Sitz, near the end of your third year. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in physics of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special departmental honors are (1) Physics 379H, Honors Tutorial Course; (2) a written honors thesis approved by faculty readers assigned by the department; (3) a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in physics of at least 3.50; and (4) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.