
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Making Cancer’s Metabolism More Normal Blocks Drug Resistance

A new combination of existing drugs reduces the size of cancerous tumors much more effectively than current treatments.

Graphic showing a cancer tumor with blood vessels surrounding it


Scientists Map a Complicated Ballet Performed in Our Cells

Artist rendering of how DNA is condensed into a chomosome


Fields Medal Recognition Linked to Work at UT Austin

Former UT Austin professor Alessio Figalli, one of four 2018 Fields Medal winners announced today, works in an area of mathematical analysis known as optimal transport.

Fields Medal against a surface


Fighting Hepatitis C Virus, Using Clues from What Killed Bevo XIV

And other adventures in animal viruses teaching us about human disease

Image of Bevo with a handler standing beside him


Remembering Joanne Ravel, UT Austin Biochemistry Professor

Ravel taught many pre-med students introductory biochemistry, supervised graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, and was a role model to many.

Casual, black and white portrait of a woman sitting at a desk in an office


Which Mental Superpower Would You Choose?

In this episode of Point of Discovery, we talk to neuroscientist Laura Colgin about the potential, and possible pitfalls, of new technologies that connect the human brain...

Illustration of a brain connected to a computer