
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Mathew Leibold Named Fellow of Ecological Society of America

Mathew Leibold, a professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at UT Austin, was elected a fellow by the Ecological Society of America (ESA).

Matthew Leibold at a table in front of a bookshelf


Resetting the Alcoholic Brain

The brains of people experiencing alcohol addiction have different patterns of gene expression than those without addiction. Could this lead to a new kind of...

A pair of hands holding a glass of semi-clear yellowish liquid


Discovery of New Microbes Sheds Light on How Complex Life Arose

New findings support a hypothesis that complex life, including humans, first arose from the merger of simpler life forms.

Two of the newly sequenced phyla of archaea were collected from ocean sediments at hydrothermal vents in the Gulf of California.


Freshman Research Initiative Receives Higher Education Awards

The Freshman Research Initiative at the University of Texas at Austin received awards at this year's worldwide competition which attracted more than 800 submissions in...

A student researcher pipettes in a lab wearing a lab coat


The Mighty Copepod

These teeny shrimp-like critters at the bottom of the ocean food web seem totally unimportant.

Microsope image of a colorful shrimp-like creature


Charles Fraser Mends Little Hearts

Charles Fraiser, former Surgeon-in-Chief at Texas Children's Hopital in Houston, now works at UT Austin's Dell Medical School and talks about his career.

A young boy looks at a mechanical heart pump, as a doctor in white coat watches


College Publication Wins UT System Award

“It’s a great publication that makes UT research and scientific inquiry accessible to alumni and the general public.”

Issues of the Texas Scientist


What’s the Buzz: Reflecting on a Life's Work Inspired by Pollinators

Shalene Jha has been interested in pollinators her entire life. Now, as an assistant professor, she studies the interactions of native bees and plant communities for...

Portrait of a woman in blue dress in front of a yellow background


Visualizing Science 2016: Beautiful Images From Researchers in CNS

As part of an ongoing tradition, this past spring we invited faculty, staff and students in the College of Natural Sciences community to send us...

A simulation of subsurface waves crashing.


Cancer-Fighting Faculty Member and Alum Made Key Strides for Patients

HER2 breast cancer met its match when a faculty member and industry scientist and alumna of The University of Texas at Austin made contributions working...

Dan Leahy in a collared shirt in a circle graphic