News: Human Development and Family Sciences

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


UT Austin Leads in New Summary of Top “Degrees of the Future”

A new report releases what the nation’s best degrees of the future are.

Photo of the UT Tower lit burnt orange with windows lit to form the number "1"


Alumni and Friends to be Inducted into Hall of Honor

James Truchard, Richard Hinojosa, and David Booth were honored for their outstanding career accomplishments and lasting commitment to the college.

Headshots of three people


How to Best Support LGTBQ Youth, According to Science

Simple steps adults can take to support the young people around them.

Abstract image with human figures. One holds an umbrella over another

UT News

How a Natural Disaster Can Bring Couples Closer

A new study has implications for how to help families in the aftermath of natural disasters.

An older man in a yellow rain coat holds the arm of an older woman, right, as they wade through ankle-deep flood waters during Hurricane Harvey


Natural Sciences Researchers Win President’s Award for Global Learning

A team with two CNS undergraduates of UT Austin were involved with research about the relationship between undergraduates' mental health and their social support networks...

A group of five people wearing blue tshirts with univesity of texas longhorn logos

UT News

Black Families Are Combating the Effects of Discrimination on Their Children Through Talks

Conversations between parents and children have been shown to improve outcomes for the children.

A Black man, left sits beside a Black boy on a front porch as the two talk

UT News

Older Adults Are Happier When Space Matches Personality

People who have a match between personality and living space report better well-being.

Artist image of a living room with lasers and static superimposed over the top

UT News

Evidence Against Physically Punishing Kids Is Clear, Researchers Say

Physical punishment is ineffective and predicts increases in behavior problems.

A tunnel looking out into a forested area. Two figures, one adult, one child, are silhouetted and holding hands

UT News

Blaming the Pandemic for Stress Leaves Couples Happier

Blaming outside stressors, rather than each other, for problems in the relationship leaves couples more satisfied.

Artist illustration shows a couple with arms around each other surrounded by a picket fence


The Case Against Spanking

Liz Gershoff thinks that as a society, we should get away from the idea that violence is integral to teaching children.

Portrait of a woman with glasses