News Highlights

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Turtle Pond Offers Research Site for Undergraduates

A new long-running project allows undergraduate students to gain hands-on experience with ecological research in the heart of the UT Austin campus.

Professor Havird and his students take samples from the turtles to learn more about their ecology and health.


Amid the Enhancements at New Museum are Contributions by UT Community

Collaborators across the College of Natural Sciences and UT Austin played a role in the transformation at Texas Science & Natural History Museum.

Image of a large bronze statue of a saber tooth cat in front of a limestone building


Cancer Drug Restores Immune System’s Ability to Fight Tumors

Drug candidate developed by Everett Stone and his team is effective in mice with cancers of skin, bladder, blood and colon.

Microscope image of cancer cell with immune cells attached


The Neighborhood You Grow Up in May Impact Your Cognitive Health Decades Later

Jean Choi, Elizabeth Muñoz and collaborators identified associations between neighborhood cohesion and cognitive health.

A child's sense of neighborhood cohesion could impact their cognitive health later in life.


Philanthropic Gift Establishes Historic UT Commitment to Monitoring Texas’ Natural Resources

A transformative donation allows for the expansion of a Texas Field Station Network to study biodiversity and sustainability.

A young man in a hat holding equipment leads a group of students down a creek at a Hill Country-based field station


Genes That Shape Bones Identified, Offering Clues About Our Past and Future

An application of AI to medical imaging datasets has revealed genetics of the skeletal form for the first time.

Image of human skeleton imposed over DNA double helix


Webb Telescope Detects Most Distant Active Supermassive Black Hole

At about 9 solar masses, this black hole is a real lightweight compared to previously seen ones in the early universe that are typically 1...

A dense field of galaxies set against a black background of space


Scientists use Exotic Stars to Tune into Hum from Cosmic Symphony

A team of astrophysicists has found evidence for gravitational waves that oscillate with periods of years to decades.

An illustration depicts colliding black holes causing waves in spacetime


‘We’re All Asgardians’: New Clues about the Origin of Complex Life

All complex life, a.k.a. eukaryotes, trace their roots to a common Asgard archaean ancestor.

An evolutionary tree shows how eukaryotes are related to Asgard archaea


FDA-Approved RSV Vaccine Enabled by Work of UT Molecular Biologist

Every year, millions of people become sickened by RSV, and more than 100,000 die. New vaccines with a connection to UT Austin may help turn...

A child gets a bandage after receiving a vaccination