News: Research

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

UT News

Sociable Chimps Harbor Richer Gut Microbiomes

Spending time in close contact with others often means risking catching germs and getting sick. But being sociable may also help transmit beneficial microbes, finds...

Two chimpanzees interact in Gombe National Park, Tanzania. Photo by Steffen Foerster, Duke University


Scientists Discover How We Play Memories in Fast Forward

New research shows how we use a special brain wave frequency when we think about past or future events to play them in fast forward.

An illustration of a person walking on the street.

UT News

Some Prairie Vole Brains Are Better Wired for Sexual Fidelity

Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have found that natural selection drives some male prairie voles to be fully monogamous and others to...

A pair of voles. One bears an ear tag that is used as a unique identifier for the vole. Photo by Aubrey Kelly/Cornell University.

UT News

Fish Skin Provides Invisibility in Open Ocean

Scientists have solved a longstanding mystery about how some fish seem to disappear from predators in the open waters of the ocean, a discovery that...

Diver measures polarized underwater light field

UT News

Mixing Ages in Head Start Stunts Academic Progress

Four-year-olds in the nation’s largest preschool program fare worse with 3-year-olds in their classrooms, according to new research led by Elizabeth Gershoff that shows a...

Different Ages, Different Learning: An infographic explains that separating children who are 3 from those who are 4 in Head Start may improve academic progress. Children play with blocks and the infographic summarizes differences in vocabulary, socialization, color recognition, etc. summarized in the article.

UT News

Chemistry in Mold Reveals Important Clue for Pharmaceuticals

In a discovery from the lab of Jessie Zhang that holds promise for future drug development, scientists have detected for the first time how nature...

Overall structure of FtmOx1, a mold enzyme that helps produce a toxin by adding a pair of oxygen atoms.


Engineering Bacterial Communities Improves Plant Growth

University of Texas at Austin scientists say there's a simple way for home gardeners and small farmers to give plants a pesticide-free boost: by harnessing...

A row of 8 plants growing and flourishing at levels to varying degrees appear in front of a wall in an academic setting


Study Shows Common Molecular Tool Kit Organisms Share Across Tree of Life

Researchers at UT Austin discovered the assembly instructions for nearly 1,000 protein complexes shared by most kinds of animals.

Researchers created the world’s largest protein map, identifying nearly 1,000 protein complexes that are shared across the tree of life. This image shows a small portion of that map.


Froggy Went a Courtin'

A graduate student and her advisor in the Department of Integrative Biology at UT Austin have discovered that female frogs are also prone to the...

Two frogs sitting on moist ground


Computer Scientists Find Mass Extinctions Can Accelerate Evolution

Robots evolve more quickly and efficiently after a virtual mass extinction modeled after real-life disasters such as the one that killed off the dinosaurs.

At the start of the simulation, a biped robot controlled by a computationally evolved brain stands upright on a 16 meter by 16 meter surface.