News: Research

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Two Studies Shed Light on How Complex CRISPR Systems Work

Illustration showing DNA helix being snipped by scissors

UT News

Computer Science Online Master’s Degree Planned for Fall Launch from UT Austin

Gates Dell Complex buildings on UT Austin campus


Common Weed Killer Linked to Bee Deaths

The world’s most widely used weed killer, Roundup, causes honey bees to lose some of their beneficial bacteria and are more susceptible to infection and...

Honey bee.


Magnetic Waves Create Chaos in Star-Forming Clouds

The new research sheds light on the processes that are responsible for setting the properties of stars, which in turn affects the formation of planets.

Stars appear to form and shine brightly in a Hubble Telescope image

UT News

Racial and Ethnic Bias Leads to Lower Well-Being Among Adolescents

A boy sitting on a set of brick steps

UT News

Simple Test Detects Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes, Presence of Biopesticide

A new diagnostic tool can quickly and cheaply identify whether a mosquito belongs to the species that carries dangerous diseases such as Zika virus, dengue...

A diagnostic device labeled FRI on a lab table amid other equipment


Making Cancer’s Metabolism More Normal Blocks Drug Resistance

A new combination of existing drugs reduces the size of cancerous tumors much more effectively than current treatments.

Graphic showing a cancer tumor with blood vessels surrounding it


Scientists Map a Complicated Ballet Performed in Our Cells

Artist rendering of how DNA is condensed into a chomosome


Fighting Hepatitis C Virus, Using Clues from What Killed Bevo XIV

And other adventures in animal viruses teaching us about human disease

Image of Bevo with a handler standing beside him