News: Research

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

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Simple Test Detects Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes, Presence of Biopesticide

A new diagnostic tool can quickly and cheaply identify whether a mosquito belongs to the species that carries dangerous diseases such as Zika virus, dengue...

A diagnostic device labeled FRI on a lab table amid other equipment


Making Cancer’s Metabolism More Normal Blocks Drug Resistance

A new combination of existing drugs reduces the size of cancerous tumors much more effectively than current treatments.

Graphic showing a cancer tumor with blood vessels surrounding it


Scientists Map a Complicated Ballet Performed in Our Cells

Artist rendering of how DNA is condensed into a chomosome


Fighting Hepatitis C Virus, Using Clues from What Killed Bevo XIV

And other adventures in animal viruses teaching us about human disease

Image of Bevo with a handler standing beside him

UT News

New Nerve Gas Detector Built with Legos and a Smartphone

A black lego box with a smartphone sitting on top

UT News

Fish’s Use of Electricity Might Shed Light on Human Illnesses

An electric fish floating in an aquarium tank


Could a Digital Version of this Part of the Brain Be Coming Soon?

Michael Mauk and his team have made a discovery that adds an important detail to a computer simulation of the part of our brains called...

Two semi-transparent illustrations of a brain with the cerebellum highlighted in red