
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Discovering a Genetic Mechanism that Affects Birth Defects, Some Cancers

Steven Vokes has studied the related Hedgehog signaling pathway for much of his career.

Artist illustration and magnified image of mouse embryo with blue sections of the embryo highlighted


5 Things UT Science Tells Us About Healthy Couples

A closeup of a couple clasping hands


Allan MacDonald Wins Wolf Prize in Physics

UT Austin's Allan MacDonald has received the 2020 Wolf Prize which is generally considered the most prestigious award in physics other han the Nobel Prize.

Allan Wolf wears a Wolf Prize medal as UT President Jay Hartzell applauds


The Next 50 Years: A Global Census of Life

Biologist David Hillis aims to discover the 80 percent of species on Earth that scientists know nothing about in the next few decades.

A montage of beetles, leaves, butterflies and DNA


12 Ways Texas Science Innovators Made the Most of this Year

Here are a handful of ways that members of our science and mathematics community brandished their entrepreneurial spirit this year.

3 Students wearing t-shirts celebrating 1,000+ patents jump for joy in front of the UT Austin tower


Twin Astronomer Probes ‘DNA’ of Twin Stars to Reveal Family History of Milky Way

Twin stars appear to share chemical "DNA" that could help scientists map the history of the Milky Way galaxy, according to new research by astronomer...

Identical twins, one with a beard and glasses, stand together in a classroom with a periodic table on the wall

UT News

Obesity in Pregnant Moms Linked to Lag in Their Sons’ Development and IQ

A mother’s obesity in pregnancy can affect her child’s development years down the road, according to research led by Beth Widen, who found impaired motor...

Hands hold a pregnant belly in a hospital gown in a hospital setting


Coming Soon: A New Podcast Miniseries

In January 2020, we will be releasing a new miniseries called The Next 50 Years.

Logo consisting of a microscope in front of an abstract background


Scientists Identify Genes that Help Protect Plant Genomes

The discovery holds important implications for our understanding of age-related disorders and cancers in humans.

Illustration of a green, x-shaped chromosome with pink tips


Meet the New Faculty Members in Natural Sciences

Seal of the University of Texas at Austin with a burnt orange filter on the image