News: Statistics and Data Sciences

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

UT News

COVID Forecasting Method Shown to Reliably Guide U.S. Cities Through Pandemic Threats

Using cellphone mobility data and COVID-19 hospital admissions data, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have reliably forecast regional hospital demands for almost...

An illustration of the Austin skyline against a graph line showing peaks and valleys


Meet the Scientists Who are New to the Faculty this Spring

More about the newest faces in the College.

Seal of the University of Texas with an orange filter

UT News

Campus Event to Celebrate Health and Science Heroes Linked to COVID-19 Vaccines

UT Austin scientists have been at the forefront of the race for coronavirus vaccines and the efforts to track and prevent its spread.

Illustration of a physician in a white lab coat


CNS Welcomes 16 New Faculty Members

See the new faces around the College of Natural Sciences.

Seal of the university of texas with an orange filter


Research on Language Learning Yields Mitchell Prize for UT Austin Statisticians

Giorgio Paulon and Abhra Sarkar researched how nonnative English speakers learned another language's tonal differences.

Illustration of human brain processing language

UT News

System Linked to Operational Hospitals, Shorter Lockdowns, Lives Saved

A staged alert system, designed by scientists and public health officials to guide local policies, helped one city prevent hospital surges and long lockdowns.

Virus particles float near graphic showing a line of pikes and valleys representing transmission


Two CNS Faculty Receive President’s Associates Teaching Excellence Awards

Laura Lashinger and Sally Ragsdale received awards recognizing the university’s educational innovators who demonstrate exceptional undergraduate teaching in the core curriculum.

Portraits of two women

UT News

Repeated Testing for COVID-19 is Vital, Economic and Public Health Analysis Shows

Having all people in the U.S. tested on a regular, rotating basis can likely slow the spread of the novel coronavirus and the loss of...

Photo shows a woman in lab protective equipment and mask and goggles handling pipette at a lab bench


Adapting the Frequency of COVID-19 Testing

Transmission rates and community immunity can determine when and whether to scale back testing frequency

An illustration of a group of people standing between two graphs showing peaks of viral spread and valleys


The College Welcomed New Faculty in 2020

See the new faces at the College of Natural Sciences.

Seal of the university of texas with an orange filter