News: Research

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

Molecular Biosciences

How a Plant Stem Cell Commits to Its Fate and How Plant Growth Stays in Check

Insights into growth processes and disease require knowing more about how stem cells commit to differentiation when life is developing.

Three small plant seedlings with small white flowers


Nexus Point: Jayanth Taranath

A man with black hair wearing a grin


Health Benefits of Wind Power Rely on Which Fossil Fuel Plants It Replaces

Health benefits of using wind energy instead of fossil fuels could quadruple if the most polluting power plants are selected for dialing down, new study...

Row of wind turbines at sunset

UT News

Doctors and Patients Have a New Tool to Aid in Conversations About Diet

Physicians will be able to get assistance from a new artificial intelligence system designed by nutrition researchers at The University of Texas at Austin.

A doctor talks to a patient as both are smiling


Dense Bacterial Populations Create Mutant Breeding Grounds for Antibiotic Resistance

Scientists at The University of Texas at Austin have found a new contributor to antibiotic resistance: bacterial swarms that create ideal breeding grounds to evolve...

Overlapping pink and purple circles surrounded by dandelion seeds.


Inspired by Biology, Physicists Make More Efficient Motors

Learn about how UT Austin physicists are using human muscles to design more efficiently designed robots.

A motor with an orange longhorn logo

UT News

Can Robots and Humans Co-exist in Public? UT Campus Study Will Offer Answers

Autonomous robots will soon rove the buildings and streets of The University of Texas at Austin campus.

A robot with four legs climbs stairs on the UT Austin campus

UT News

‘Smart Plastic’ Material is Step Forward Toward Soft, Flexible Robotics and Electronics

New plastic has rigid and stretchy sections inspired by living things.

A strip of plastic with rainbow diamond pattern on a black ground


Department of Energy Selects Timothy Liao for Graduate Student Research Program

UT Austin's Timothy Liao has been selected to participate in a research program where he will develop computational tools for material design and discovery.

Portrait of a young man


Seven Natural Sciences Faculty Receive NSF CAREER Awards

Learn about faculty members from UT Austin's College of Natural Sciences who have been awarded CAREER Awards from the National Science Foundation.

Headshots of 7 faculty members