Departmental Honors

Some honors programs are available for specific majors in the College of Natural Sciences.

Honors in Advanced Nutritional Sciences

Students in this program receive an honors degree in their area of study, take small honors versions of major courses and write and present a thesis. With a small community of honors scholars, students work closely with faculty and experts in the field, exploring and performing cutting-edge research to optimize human health and disease prevention. 

Honors in Advanced Human Development and Family Sciences

Students in this program receive an honors degree in their area of study, take small honors versions of major courses and write and present a thesis. With a small community of honors scholars, students work closely with faculty and experts in the field, exploring and performing cutting-edge research in human development, romantic and family relationships and social and public policy. 

Turing Scholars 

This honors program, only for Computer Science majors, has curriculum that offers an intense, accelerated path through the department’s core curriculum. It offers special honors versions of popular upper-division courses and includes an undergraduate honors thesis that allows students to work closely on cutting-edge research. Turing Scholars will be admitted into Turing Pods, which is the students’ small community.

Texas Honors Computer Science and Business 

This honors program is for students interested in being admitted into both computer science and as an unspecified business major. (When asked while applying for first- and second-choice majors, students will place the major they are more interested in as their first-choice.) Students will participate in both CS Pods and Business Honors Program seminars. For more information regarding Texas CSB, reach out to

Texas Robotics Undergraduate Program 

This program earns students a minor in robotics and offers a robust experience, inclusive of research, coursework and an optional living-learning community experience. The new Texas Robotics Undergraduate Program includes a holistic, multidisciplinary study of robotics with hands-on robotics research, courses across engineering and computer science, engagement with Texas Robotics events and programs and a community of fellow future makers and innovators that will change the world. Students may apply as high schoolers, regardless of experience level, or in the spring of their first or second year if they are computer science majors.