Life Sciences
From fighting diseases to gauging the health of oceans and forests, our Texas life scientists drive impact.

Why study the life sciences?
Understand the fundamentals that drive life. Do basic research that leads to medical breakthroughs and improvements in our world. Study the underlying chemistry of organisms and ecosystems. Help unlock new ideas related to health and flourishing for human beings, diverse species and the oceans, forests, landscapes and waterways on which all of life depends.

Four academic departments house award-winning faculty, cutting-edge research and education in the life sciences.

The community here is so supportive. Every single person I’ve met at UT is passionate and motivated to change the world and improve their surroundings.”
Brian Chavez
Majors & Degrees
The Biology Instruction Office oversees undergraduate majors and degrees for these disciplines.
Biology, B.S.A.
Biology, B.S.*
with options available in:
Cell and Molecular Biology, Computational Biology, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, Genetics and Genomics, Human Biology, Marine and Freshwater Science,⦽ Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Plant Biology, Teaching
Cell and Molecular Biology, Ph.D.
Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, Ph.D.
Plant Biology, M.A.
Plant Biology, Ph.D.
Marine Science, Ph.D.
Microbiology, Ph.D.
Biochemistry, B.S.*
Biochemistry, B.S.A.
Biochemistry, Ph.D.
Environmental Science ‡
Environmental Science, B.S.*
Marine Science ⦽
Marine Science, M.S.
Marine Science, Ph.D.
Medical Laboratory Science
Medical Laboratory Science, B.S.
Neuroscience, B.S.*
Neuroscience, B.S.A.
Neuroscience, Ph.D.
*Option to specialize in honors
‡ Highly competitive, math-intensive
⦽ Undergraduate marine science students major in biology and receive credit hours at our coastal campus
Conduct Research
Students learn firsthand by conducting research in labs and doing field work around the college. Our Freshman Research Initiative has courses and research opportunities in areas like the ones below.

Biosciences Advising
Got an interest in life sciences but not sure what to do next? When you are a student, advisors can help you navigate possibilities, from majors to degree options to alignment with careers.