
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Three Alumni to be Inducted into Hall of Honor

Hall of Honor Awards


Alumnus Helped Usher in Age of Personal Computing and Guide Lunar Astronauts Home

Bob O'Rear said his time in graduate school on the Forty Acres made a huge mark on his career for introducing him to astrophysics and...

A man stands with arms crossed in front of a wall that says "The University of Texas at Austin College of Natural Sciences"


UT Austin Mourns Death of Groundbreaking Physicist Cécile DeWitt-Morette

“Cécile DeWitt-Morette left an indelible mark, both because of her research in mathematical physics and her leadership in founding a powerhouse school for physical scientists...

Cécile Dewitt-Morette with team of UT physicists (including husband Bryce Dewitt, back left) in Mauritania in 1973.


Chemistry Faculty Member Selected for Texas 10 Recognition

“I love watching the audience the second I blow something up. My favorite part is when I can do a demonstration, look out into the...

Kate Biberdorf


Can Sound Save a Fish?

Gulf Corvina look pretty ordinary—they're a couple of feet long and silvery. Yet the sounds they make—when millions get together to spawn—are a kind of...

Illustration of people in a boat with a microphone dangling in the water and a group of fish emitting waves of sound


Two in CNS Receive Dads’ Association Centennial Teaching Fellowships

The fellowships recognize faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and made significant contributions to undergraduate education at UT Austin.

Steve Finkelstein and Kristin Harvey

Department of Molecular Biosciences

Zhang Named Professor of the Year

Students have selected Jessie Zhang, an associate professor of molecular biosciences, as The University of Texas at Austin's Professor of the Year.

Jessie Zhang smiling


New Material Could Save Time and Money in Medical Imaging and Environmental Remediation

Chemists at UT Austin have developed a material that holds the key to cheap, fast and portable new sensors for a wide range of chemicals.

Humphrey and his team are developing paper dipsticks that can quickly and cheaply identify a wide range of chemicals in an uncharacterized sample.


Meet Six Incredible Women from UT Austin Science History

From the first woman mathematician inducted into the National Academy of Science to an astronomer who helped us understand how galaxies evolve, the women of...

Illustration of the six women in the article by Jenna Luecke.


UTeach Shown to Improve Learning, Address Shortfalls

Two new reports highlight how a University of Texas at Austin-originated program is improving the STEM education landscape.

A teacher in a classroom explains a concept to a student