
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Paving the Way to Extremely Fast, Compact Computer Memory

Materials with high magnetoelectric coupling could be useful in novel devices such as magnetic computer memories, chemical sensors and quantum computers.

Illustration showing two corkscrew-shaped lines twisting in opposite directions, rising up out of a layer of small spheres that represent atoms, each with an arrow pointing in the direction of a feature called its magnetic moment

Oden Institute

Summer School on Quantum Materials

Feliciano Guistino led a week-long workshop for graduate-level students in modern techniques for computational data science and high-performance computing.

Students in a lecture hall discussing a problem and looking at laptop screens


Computer Scientist Keshav Pingali Receives Lifetime Achievement Award for Programing Languages

Pingali has received the Programming Languages Achievement Award by the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN).

Profile picture of Keshav Pingali


The Lesser of Two Weevils: Size Differences in Some Insects Lead to Tradeoffs in the Competition for Mates

The largest males have bigger weapons, but smaller males have other advantages.

three jousting weevils on a wooden log


The University of AI

Art Markman and K.P. Procko consider how artificial intelligence is already changing the college experience, its promise and pitfalls, and future directions.

College students wearing spirit gear that reads "University of AI"

McDonald Observatory

Bass Foundation Gift Strengthens Outreach at McDonald Observatory

Updates to Field Station Network member McDonald Observatory will be in the Frank N. Bash Visitors Center and improve and expand the visitor experience.

Aerial view of an astronomical observatory set atop a mountain

Department of Computer Science

Transforming Video Accessibility Through Artificial Intelligence

UT researchers developed an AI technology that empowers users with visual impairments to engage with digital media.

A smart phone is held by its sides via a metal stand.

Texas Advanced Computing Center

Surprising Vortex Behind New Solar Cell and Lighting Materials

Using supercomputer simulations, Feliciano Giustino and his team are revealing why perovskites are so promising for solar cells, lighting and computer memory.

A colorful image of a spherical structure of arrows pointing in all directions

Dell Medical School

Arbel Harpak: Pursuing the Next Frontier in Genetics

Arbel Harpak, recently named a Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences, researches how genetic makeup can have dramatically different impacts on health and evolution in...

A scientist in white shirt stands in front of a sculpture made of aluminum canoes


For Rainforest Amphibians, the Bigger the Toes, the Higher They Go

In rainforests in Gabon, amphibians with larger toes relative to their body length are found higher in the forest canopy.

Photo of orange and brown frog leptopelis boulengeri on a tree branch