News: Human Ecology

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

UT News

Mixing Ages in Head Start Stunts Academic Progress

Four-year-olds in the nation’s largest preschool program fare worse with 3-year-olds in their classrooms, according to new research led by Elizabeth Gershoff that shows a...

Different Ages, Different Learning: An infographic explains that separating children who are 3 from those who are 4 in Head Start may improve academic progress. Children play with blocks and the infographic summarizes differences in vocabulary, socialization, color recognition, etc. summarized in the article.


The Case of the Missing Folate

Richard Finnell studies the genetic underpinnings of neural tube defects such as spina bifida.

Spinach leaves in a bowl, sitting on a wooden table


2015 Summer Blockbusters: Meet Our Science Truth Detector

With summer movie season in full swing, cinema-goers are leaving theaters with one big question in mind: “Wait, could that really happen?”

Cartoon characters representing different feelings stand around a control console