News: Astronomy

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Newly Discovered Giant Planet Slingshots Around its Star

Astronomers at The University of Texas at Austin's McDonald Observatory, along with colleagues at Caltech and elsewhere, have discovered a planet three times the mass...

The Milky Way in the night sky is evident over a dark peak, Mt. Locke


5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Four Years of Undergrad Research

We asked graduating seniors from across the college to share their best tips for research success.

Three students in blue lab coats and goggles gather around a computer screen


Ten Students Receive Prestigious Federal Graduate Research Awards

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) have awarded prestigious graduate research awards to 48 University of Texas at Austin...

Stephanie Valenzuela, Thao Thanh Thi Nguyen, Logan Pearce, Caitlyn McCafferty, Taha Dawoodbhoy, Ian Rambo, Hadiqa Zafar, Zoe Boundy-Singer, Griffin Glenn and Ariel Barr.


Undergraduate-Led Team Discovers Two New Planets Using Artificial Intelligence

Undergraduate astronomy student Anne Dattilo and colleagues used artificial intelligence to discover two exoplanets in data collected by the Kepler space telescope.

Artist’s rendition of the Kepler Space Telescope. Credit: NASA, Wendy Stenzel, Daniel Rutter.


A Love Letter from Texas Scientists to the Periodic Table

We're celebrating the 150th anniversary of the periodic table. Join us as we tour the cosmos, from the microscopic to the telescopic, with four scientists studying...

A series of cupcakes arranged to look like the periodic table


Astronomer David Lambert Named 2019 Distinguished Texas Scientist

This honor reflects distinguished contributions to science through research and publication that has garnered recognition at the national and international level.

David Lambert


Alumnus Eric Berger Reflects on the Joys of Science Communication

Meet Eric Berger (B.S. Astronomy, '95), Senior Space Editor at Ars Technica and Editor at Space City Weather.

Portrait of a man in a jacket standing on the shore of a body of water


Two in CNS Receive President’s Associates Teaching Excellence Award

Each year, these awards recognize great teaching of undergraduates in the core curriculum.

Keely Finkelstein (L) and Kristin Harvey (R)


J. Craig Wheeler Shares Chambliss Astronomical Writing Award

Wheeler was selected as author of "Supernova Explosions," published by Springer in 2017.

Craig Wheeler in a suit and glasses smiling


Magnetic Waves Create Chaos in Star-Forming Clouds

The new research sheds light on the processes that are responsible for setting the properties of stars, which in turn affects the formation of planets.

Stars appear to form and shine brightly in a Hubble Telescope image