News Highlights

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Top Prize Image for Visualizing Science Shows a Logistic Map’s Chaotic Portion

A mathematics undergraduate took first place alongside other winners of the college’s 2025 contest.

Lavender background covered by wispy white cobweb-looking mathematical derivations.


Improved Brain Decoder Holds Promise for Communication in People With Aphasia

Restoring some language for aphasia sufferers, like Bruce Willis and a million other Americans, could involve AI.

Colorful illustration of a human brain with different colors ranging from pink to blue to purple, indicating brain activity


Some Bacteria Evolve Like Clockwork With the Seasons

The longest natural metagenome time series ever collected reveals a startling evolutionary pattern on repeat.

Reeds peek above the surface of a lake with colorful clouds reflected in the water


In This Lab, Students Dig Into Antibiotic-Resistance Research

Meet the team behind a newly transformed experiential-learning biology course, reaching hundreds of UT students.

Meet the team behind a newly transformed experiential-learning biology course, reaching hundreds of UT students.


UT Austin Math and Computing Named Among Best in Global Ranking of Academic Subjects

UT Austin ranked fifth in mathematics and eighth in computer science and engineering worldwide in a new report.

Arial photo of the UT Austin campus


Turbocharging Protein Engineering with AI

Biotech advances from UT’s new Deep Proteins group are changing the game with help from artificial intelligence.

Three people stand silhouetted  in front of a wall-sized video display that shows several large colorful illustrations of molecules


New AI Institute Led by UT Researchers Will Accelerate Cosmic Discovery

Stella Offner and Arya Farahi are among the leads of a new multi-institution institute focused on AI and astronomy.

Four quadrants of scientific-images come together, with webs showing bright spots for star formation, galaxy clustering, identifications of galaxies that are labeled and a futuristic network.


Early Galaxies Weren’t Too Big for Their Britches After All

It got called the crisis in cosmology. But now astronomers can explain some surprising recent discoveries.

In the blackness of space, a bright object in the center of view is surrounded and partly obscured by a dark cloud


AI Opens Door to Safe, Effective New Antibiotics to Combat Resistant Bacteria

Protein large language models identify ways to make antibiotics better at targeting dangerous bacteria, without being toxic to humans.

A green bacteria-shaped object with a red arrow piercing through its center. The bacteria is surrounded by concentric circles and smaller, blue, bacteria-like shapes. The background is a light blue grid with a pattern of binary code.


Paving the Way to Extremely Fast, Compact Computer Memory

Materials with high magnetoelectric coupling could be useful in novel devices such as magnetic computer memories, chemical sensors and quantum computers.

Illustration showing two corkscrew-shaped lines twisting in opposite directions, rising up out of a layer of small spheres that represent atoms, each with an arrow pointing in the direction of a feature called its magnetic moment