News: Research
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin
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Alcohol Abuse Linked to Newly Identified Gene Network
Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have identified a network of genes that appear to work together in determining alcohol dependence. The findings...
New Statistical Method Helps Reveal Timing of Key Events in Plant Evolution
Comparing plant DNA from over one hundred plant species from across the green tree of life, the scientists produced some exciting findings, including that evolution...
Florida Lizards Evolve Rapidly, Within 15 Years and 20 Generations
Competition between brown and green anoles for the same food and space may be driving adaptations of the green anoles
UT News
Synthetic Molecule Makes Cancer Self-Destruct
Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and five other institutions have created a molecule that can cause cancer cells to self-destruct by ferrying...
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Diet Affects Men's and Women's Gut Microbes Differently
The microbes living in the guts of males and females react differently to diet, even when the diets are identical, according to a study by...
UT News
Mutation Stops Worms From Getting Drunk
Neuroscientists at The University of Texas at Austin have generated mutant worms that do not get intoxicated by alcohol, a result that could lead to...
UT News
Improved Method for Isotope Enrichment Could Secure a Vital Global Commodity
Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have devised a new method for enriching a group of the world’s most expensive chemical commodities, stable...
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Variety in Diet Can Hamper Microbial Diversity in the Gut
Scientists from The University of Texas at Austin and five other institutions have discovered that the more diverse the diet of a fish, the less...
Trapping a Bacterium in a Laser Beam Aids Study of Biofilms
Biofilms are responsible for most chronic infections and are notoriously resilient and hard to treat.
Neurons in the Brain Tune into Different Frequencies for Different Spatial Memory Tasks
The findings may provide insight into the cognitive and memory disruptions seen in diseases such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer's.