News: Research

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

UT News

Accurately Editing Genes in Living Cells Means Grappling with Knots in DNA

Gene editing inside living cells could become more effective and accurate after researchers unveiled how inner workings can help or hinder the process.

A man in a lab coat and goggles watches from the background as a woman in lab coat and goggles handles a pipette at a lab bench


New Study Shows How Deep-learning Technology Can Improve Brain Imaging

The technology can be used to train computers to increase the resolution of low-quality cellular and tissue images acquired on point-scanning systems, such as MRI

Comparison of brain imaging before and after the new technique

Texas Scientist

The Start of It All

Here’s how eukaryotes might have evolved from simpler life forms

Illustration of the inside of a eukaryotic cell


Four Natural Sciences Faculty Receive Sloan Research Fellowships

​Carlos Baiz, Caroline Morley, Andrew Potter and Urbain Weyemi are among the 128 scholars from across the country selected by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to receive the 2021 Sloan...

Headshots of four scientists


Undergraduate Research Aims to Harness the Power of Mealworms to Degrade Plastic

Undergraduates at the UT Austin Inventors Program are exploring how mealworms, and the microbes in their guts, can naturally degrade household plastics.

Meal worms and plastic


New Model Can Help Improve COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

A new model could help public health officials in Central Texas better manage what amounts to a much larger vaccination campaign than was carried out...

Illustration of people getting vaccinations


Jessica O’Connell Connects Ecology Research with Local Conservation Efforts

Learn about Jessica O'Connell's decision to join UT Austin's Department of Marine Science and what her research focuses on.

A woman with binoculars and a notebook walking along a trail in a forest

UT News

Repeated Testing for COVID-19 is Vital, Economic and Public Health Analysis Shows

Having all people in the U.S. tested on a regular, rotating basis can likely slow the spread of the novel coronavirus and the loss of...

Photo shows a woman in lab protective equipment and mask and goggles handling pipette at a lab bench

UT News

School Gardens Linked With Kids Eating More Vegetables

School vegetable gardens and classes about nutrition and gardening increased vegetable consumption among children.

Photo shows children holding beets, turnips and radishes they harvested

Department of Molecular Biosciences

Scientists Discover How Remdesivir Works to Inhibit Coronavirus

For the first time, scientists identified a critical mechanism that remdesivir uses against SARS-CoV-2 and unearthed information that drug companies can use to develop new...

A pair of gloved hands holds a vial of clear liquid