News: STEM Education
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin
In This Lab, Students Dig Into Antibiotic-Resistance Research
Meet the team behind a newly transformed experiential-learning biology course, reaching hundreds of UT students.

Texas Teacher of the Year Trained in the College’s UTeach Program
Christine Mihealsick was a biology major and early graduate of the award-winning STEM teacher preparation program.

Starbird, Martines and Dillig Selected for Texas 10 Recognition
Three faculty members in the College of Natural Sciences were chosen for an honor given by The Alcalde.

Two College Faculty Receive Dads’ Association Centennial Teaching Fellowships
Two faculty members in the life sciences received the honor for excellence in teaching.

UT News
AI Master’s Program Launches With Ability to Serve Thousands
UT Austin is establishing a new online master’s program in artificial intelligence with the potential to bring thousands of new students into the field.

UT Austin Launches Resource to Connect STEM-Interested Youth, Teachers to Programming
With more young people interested in pursuing future careers related to science, technology, engineering or mathematics, STEM Starts allows users to access information from groups...

First-Gen Student Navigates Own Path, Helps Others Chart Theirs
Guillermo Lezama who studies physics at UT Austin talks about how he became interested in the subject and his experience being a first-generation college student.

Two CNS Faculty Receive President’s Associates Teaching Excellence Awards
Laura Lashinger and Sally Ragsdale received awards recognizing the university’s educational innovators who demonstrate exceptional undergraduate teaching in the core curriculum.

Mathematician Receives Jean Holloway Award for Excellence in Teaching
Amanda Hager was recognized for demonstrating "a warm spirit, a concern for society and the individual, and the ability to impart knowledge while challenging students...