News: College and Campus
Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin
UT News
Gift to UT Austin Will Advance Programs in Biodiversity and Ecology
A generous estate gift to The University of Texas at Austin from alumna and former physician Lorraine “Casey” Stengl will have a dramatic impact on...

College Undergraduate Dean Wins National Award for Inclusive Leadership
Vanden Bout received the 2019 Inclusive Leader Award from GlobalMindED, a national nonprofit organization that aims to improve education and employment opportunities for students who are...

UT Scientists, Mathematicians and High Schoolers Partner for Success
Gold medalists in an astrophysics Olympic-style event, award-winners at a statewide science fair and budding genetic engineers who shared their research 2,000 miles away are...

College Publication Wins UT System Award
“It’s a great publication that makes UT research and scientific inquiry accessible to alumni and the general public.”

A Peek Into the Minds of Award-Winning Educators
The College of Natural Sciences is currently celebrating Discovery Education Week to promote and discuss science education throughout the college.