Safe & Welcoming Campus

Resources related to safety, well-being and our community of belonging.

Everyone plays a role in advancing a welcoming environment here at UT. Please let your Department Chair (and/or the Title IX Office if it is a Title IX matter) know if you have concerns that need to be addressed.

Counseling and Mental Health

Counseling can help you identify effective strategies to cope with difficult situations, enhance your well-being and better achieve your academic and life goals. The college’s CARE Counselors are trained to provide support, and other supports are also available. To investigate whether talking to a trained counselor might benefit you, UT has a Counseling and Mental Health Center Crisis Line available to students anytime at (512) 471-2255. CMHC is available to all students. Postdoctoral fellows, staff and faculty have access to the Employee Assistance Program and related HealthPoint Wellness offerings. 

Behavioral Concerns

You should consider this resource if the stress levels or the behaviors of a roommate, classmate or coworker concern you – or if a student in your course is behaving uncharacteristically – for example, by no longer attending class, turning in assignments or responding to emails. Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL) staff members are trained to assess these and similar situations. You may report your concerns by calling 512.232.5050 (twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week) or by visiting the BCAL website.

Depending on the situation, individuals may be referred to resources including but not limited to the Office of the Dean of Students/Student Emergency Services, Counseling and Mental Health Center and the Employee Assistance Program. Confidentiality will be maintained as much as possible; however, the University may be required to release some information to appropriate parties.

Cases that present an immediate threat to self, others, or property are urgent situations that should be reported directly to the University of Texas Police Department (UTPD) by calling 911.


Gearing courtyard with Tower

Title IX

Title IX is concerned with incidents of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, interpersonal (dating/domestic/family) violence or stalking that involve UT Austin students, faculty or staff. The University is committed to maintaining a safe and non-discriminatory environment.

Graduate students appointed in academic positions as Teaching Assistants, Assistant Instructors or Graduate Research Assistants are deemed "responsible employees" under UT policies. Every responsible employee is required to promptly report Title-IX incidents that they experience or hear about if these incidents involve UT Austin students, faculty or staff. As responsible employees, graduate students may not offer or maintain confidentiality after learning of such incidents. Responsible employees have the duty to report these privately to the Title IX Coordinator, a Deputy Title IX Coordinator or online. An extensive list of resources for students and employees (some but not all of which can offer confidential help) may be found here.

You should familiarize yourself with the following policies:


Campus Safety 

If campus emergencies arise, Teaching Assistants and Assistant Instructors should be prepared to take appropriate actions to promote the safety of students in their classes and laboratories. To improve communication during emergencies, sign up for text alerts here. You may wish to review emergency terms, get safety advice and view safety videos on the UTPD website

Additional Student & Staff Supports

For additional supports, ranging from available sources of food for those on campus experiencing food insecurity, services for people with disabilities, veterans services support and much more, see this list of resources.