News: Graduate Students

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Everything’s Bigger in Texas, including the Occasional Spider Web

If creepy-crawly, eight-legged types are the stuff of your Halloween fears, you might want to stop reading here.


Two Studies Shed Light on How Complex CRISPR Systems Work

Illustration showing DNA helix being snipped by scissors

UT News

Common Weed Killer Linked to Bee Deaths

The world’s most widely used weed killer, Roundup, causes honey bees to lose some of their beneficial bacteria and are more susceptible to infection and...

Honey bee.


Could a Digital Version of this Part of the Brain Be Coming Soon?

Michael Mauk and his team have made a discovery that adds an important detail to a computer simulation of the part of our brains called...

Two semi-transparent illustrations of a brain with the cerebellum highlighted in red


When Science Communication Doesn’t Get Through

Climate change, vaccinations, evolution. Scientists sometimes struggle to get their message across to non-scientists.

A person holds their hands over their ears as a graph showing global warming moves by like an audio wave


Cracking the Code: Why Flu Pandemics Come At the End of Flu Season

Graduate student Spencer Fox and his colleagues found strong evidence that the late timing of flu pandemics is caused by two opposing factors.

Hypothetical seasonal flu epidemic spread (not based on real or simulated data) is depicted here


UT Austin Offers Its First Online Master’s Degree in Nutritional Sciences

The program is designed to provide a rigorous education to working professionals in nutrition or health education as they seek to advance in careers in...

Two grocery shoppers compare nutritional values on products with a graphic of molecules


Grad Students Lead the Greatest Show in Classical Physics

Glowing electric pickles, flaming money, and flying toilet paper help the Physics Circus at The University of Texas at Austin teach science to non-physicists, especially...

Tess Bernard demonstrates what happens when air in a balloon is cooled in liquid nitrogen.


Some Bacteria Have Lived in the Human Gut Since Before We Were Human

New study suggests that evolution plays a larger role than previously known in people's intestinal-microbe makeup.

Illustration of green and purple microbes enlarged under a microscope


UT Austin Villa Wins at 2016 World RoboCup

The RoboCup competition challenges participants to program intelligent robotic systems to operate on their own in dynamic environments.

Five of the SPL team members at the 2016 RoboCup US Open, which the team won. From left to right, they are Katie Genter, Sanmit Narvekar, Josiah Hanna, Josh Kelle and Jake Menashe.