When Will We Have Quantum Computers?

July 12, 2017 • by Marc Airhart

Scott Aaronson believes in the next few years, someone may achieve something called quantum supremacy—the first demonstration of a quantum computer doing something faster than a conventional computer.

Shiny metal science equipment

Quantum computers might sound like science fiction. A fully functioning quantum computer could complete calculations in a matter of seconds that would take a conventional computer millions of years to process.

Science fiction or not, they're already here. Scientists at GoogleMicrosoftIBM and elsewhere are building and studying them. At this point, they're not very powerful. But Scott Aaronson, a theoretical computer scientist at the University of Texas at Austin, believes in the next few years, one of these teams may achieve something called quantum supremacy—the first demonstration of a quantum computer doing something faster than a conventional computer.

In this episode, Aaronson lays out a timeline of quantum computing advances, explains what kinds of things they'll be able to do and even explore one potential downside—breaking the encryption we use to keep everything from credit card information and medical records private.

Show Notes

Image credit: The cooling system for Google's superconducting quantum computer


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