Room Reservations

Reservation policies and procedures for booking a room in one of the college buildings on the Forty Acres.

  1. Log in using your UT EID. Individuals with a College of Natural Sciences (CNS) affiliation, including graduate students, staff, and faculty, will automatically have access to CNS buildings and rooms. Undergraduates and student organizations are not permitted to book CNS spaces.
  2. Non-CNS affiliates cannot book spaces. If you do not have a CNS affiliation, please reach out to Hunter Banda for assistance or clarification.
  3. Food and drinks are prohibited. Food and drinks are not allowed inside any CNS space. If you are found with food or beverages in the space, your account may be put on hold, preventing future reservations.
  4. Reservation process. After submitting your reservation request, it will be forwarded to the appropriate room manager. You will receive a confirmation once a decision has been made regarding your reservation.

Reserve a room now

Rooms to Host Classes In

  • WEL: 2.110, 2.140, 2.246, 2.306, 2.310, 3.310 and 3.320

Classroom Spaces

The only rooms available for classroom use are in Welch. No other CNS buildings can be used for classes; any requests for these spaces will be declined. If you are a CNS course scheduler, please contact Hunter Banda to be notified when the calendar for class reservations opens.

Any requests not made with a week’s notice may not be responded to and may not be approved. Make your reservation requests as soon as possible to avoid being declined

Events cannot host unaccompanied minors. Events must be chaperoned. The same would apply to faculty and staff across the university. Those seeking to host a program/event in which chaperones are NOT present must formally register with the Youth Protection Program office and complete a number of requirements set by the YPP. You may contact them at, or visit their website. Please email Hunter Banda if you are hosting minors at your event. 

All Rooms

All rooms must be kept tidy and cleaned after use of the room. Furniture is not to be moved unless specifically allowed. Use of a room without a confirmed reservation is prohibited. If there is any accidental spills or messes created in the room, please contact 512-471-2020.

Checking Your Reservation Status

After logging into Momentus, head over to “MY EVENTS” at the top of the screen. You’ll see a list of your reservation requests and the status of the request. 

Updating a Reservation

After logging into Momentus, head over to “MY EVENTS” at the top of the screen. You'll be given a list of your reservations. Click on the name of your reservation you are trying to change. You have many options to update your reservation details, cancel your reservation, cancel specific booking dates or add new booking dates.


If you’re unable to get in touch with the room manager or would like to have your rooms added to Momentus, please contact the Momentus Department Administrator Hunter Banda.