Visualizing Science

Event starts at this time May 1, 2023 – Aug 31, 2023
Each layer of the cerebellum can be seen in this tissue slice from a study of patients with Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T), an early childhood onset neurodegenerative disorder specific to the cerebellum.

The college’s Visualizing Science competition helps raise the profile of UT science, with public displays of images that celebrate the extraordinary beauty of science and the scientific process. Our annual contest seeks out images that help capture the moment where science and art collide.

The Schedule

Submission Guidelines

We are now requesting submissions for the 2023 contest. We welcome your visualizations, photographs, microscope images, fractals, patterns, mathematical equations and more. Select winning entries will receive a cash prize. Many of the submitted images will be prominently displayed on campus, on the college’s website and in print, video and other areas of communication. 

You can see winning images from past years on Flickr or in our virtual gallery. Your images will help us tell stories about the great scientific work being conducted by current members of the College of Natural Sciences.

Instructions for Submitting Images

  1. Images must have been produced by a member of the College of Natural Sciences community (i.e., student, staff member, faculty member, etc.) and pertain to science.
  2. Submissions may be featured on the college’s website and materials. If this is an image from an organization or company you work with or research done at another institution, please ensure you have rights to share it with UT Austin.
  3. To qualify for the top award, submissions must be from individuals who are students, faculty or staff in the College of Natural Sciences at the time of the award.
  4. Send submissions to Steve Franklin through UT Box or by email at
    • Add a short description of the image, including where it was captured.
    • Include your name and email address in case we have any questions.
    • All images are welcome, but larger digital images are preferred. Ideal size: 8700x5400 pixels or 14.5in x 9in at 600dpi (but larger is better). Please submit digital files in one of the following formats: jpeg, png, tiff, eps or ai.
    • Choose your best 2–3 images.
    • Non-winning submissions from previous years are welcome.
  5. Submissions are due by August 31, 2023.
