Coming Soon: A New Podcast Miniseries

December 19, 2019 • by Marc Airhart

In January 2020, we will be releasing a new miniseries called The Next 50 Years.

Logo consisting of a microscope in front of an abstract background

In this episode, producer and host Marc Airhart chats with senior editor Christine Sinatra about how the podcast has changed over the last few years (we're now in our fifth year of production – yay!) and where we're going in the future. We also share some exciting news: we're kicking off a new miniseries called The Next 50 Years. The first episode drops in January 2020. Stay tuned!

Show Notes

Music for today's show was produced by:

Podington Bear -

Have you heard our other news? Now you can listen to Point of Discovery on Spotify. Hooray!
