Committing to the highest standards of integrity, ethics and responsibility in conduct of research is critical for academic and research excellence and maintaining not only our institution’s reputation but also the public’s trust in science.
Responsible Conduct of Research
Guidelines and training information for the Responsible Conduct of Research are maintained on the site of the Vice President for Research, Creative Endeavors and Scholarship. If your research involves human subjects, IRB resources and training are also available. You may also be required to complete training available through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program. CNS also periodically offers training on topics such as research misconduct, responsible authorship and publication, peer review, and conflict of interest avoidance.
Anti-Plagiarism Policies
It is the responsibility of every student and researcher to ensure that plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, is scrupulously avoided. There are tutorials available to you that are designed to educate all students about plagiarism issues.
Responding to Academic Misconduct
If you are concerned about potential academic misconduct in a class, you should first contact the instructor of record. The instructor may decide either to confer directly with the student(s) or else to refer the case to the Office of the Dean of Student, which provides a summary of approved processes for investigation and possible disciplinary actions.