Style and Science: The History and Future of Fashion Embellishments

Style and Science: The History and Future of Fashion Embellishments, October 17
Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
In Person (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Gail Chovan
Cost: Free
Explore the evolution of sparkling embellishments through time.


Join educator and designer Gail Chovan and a panel of experts for an engaging program exploring the evolution of sparkling embellishments through time and discover the science behind newly developed sustainable biosequins in Texas Science & Natural History Museum’s fourth-floor “Particles of Color” exhibit. As Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Division of Textiles and Apparel as well as a noted Austin Trailblazer in fashion, Chovan specializes in conceptual design, artisanal techniques and the history of costume, guiding UT’s Historic Textile and Apparel Collection and directing a Paris study abroad program. The program will be followed by a Q&A and a light reception.

This event is free and open to the public. Space is limited and an RSVP is required.


Texas Science & Natural History Museum
