Science Under the Stars: Fighting climate change with mathematics


When you see a tree while walking on a trail, do you ever wonder why it is here? Where did it come from? Or will it remain here for another hundred years? Essentially, we are asking what mechanism shapes species distribution on our planet. Although this quest has captivated the curiosity of many naturalists, such as Darwin and Humboldt, for more than three centuries, we still have significant gaps in our understanding of why species occur where they do.
Outside curiosity, understanding the determinants of biodiversity is also closely tied to human well-being. Many species are rapidly changing distribution due to human activities, such as increasing carbon emissions and land use change that are eroding ecosystem services. In this talk, Dr. Nikunj Goel will explain how mathematics can be used to elucidate mechanisms of biodiversity change, and how can we use this knowledge to fight against global change.
- 7:00 pm: Kid’s activities and natural history displays of local animals and plants found at Brackenridge Field Laboratory
- 7:15 pm-7:45 pm: Guided tour of the field lab (wear sturdy shoes and bring water)!
- 8:00 pm: Settle in, because the talk begins now!
- 8:45 pm: Q&A with the speaker
The talk will be held outdoors at Brackenridge Field Laboratory.
Science Under the Stars is a free public outreach lecture series in Austin, Texas run by UT graduate students. Events are held outdoors at Brackenridge Field Laboratory, 2907 Lake Austin Blvd, Austin, Texas 78703. Find schedules and links for each event on the SUtS blog, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube channel and Facebook page, or sign up on their listserve to get event notifications.
Brackenridge Field Laboratory