Mysteries from the Neotropics: Trees, lianas and others

Mysteries from the Neotropics
Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
In Person (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Damla Cinoglu
Cost: Free
Graduate student DamlaCinoglu presents “Mysteries from the Neotropics: Trees, lianas and others” at Science Under the Stars.


Damla Cinoglu

The Neotropics are covered in mysteries that fascinate us. Are trees and lianas friends or enemies? Why do plant seeds and fruits vary so much in seed shape and size? Why does the three-toed sloth only eat leaves? Come and get excited about what is so special about tropical forests and think through how they are impacted by us. In this talk, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior graduate student Damla Cinoglu will teach you all about plants in the Neotropics.

Arrive at 7pm for kids’ table, natural history displays and a BFL tour before the talk.

Science Under the Stars is a free public outreach lecture series run by graduate students.

Click here to learn more about this talk.


Brackenridge Field Laboratory
