How animals adapt to climate change, and how kids can help them

As our planet becomes hotter and places such as Texas become drier, many people are worried about the effect on native wildlife. Current climate change impacts can be frightening, from out-of-control wildfires to mass mortality of animals. However, animals have a variety of ways they can adapt to our changing climate, from altering their behavior to changing their physiology and even evolving over time to cope. In this talk, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior graduate student Erik Iverson will discuss some of the mechanisms animals have for dealing with rising temperatures and explain why there is still plenty humans can do to help them, even in the face of constant pessimistic predictions.
Come learn about strategies you can implement in your home or yard, and projects kids can help with, to ensure your local wildlife are going to survive and thrive even on the hottest days of the year!
Arrive at 7pm for kids’ table, natural history displays and a BFL tour before the talk.
Science Under the Stars is a free public outreach lecture series run by graduate students.
Brackenridge Field Laboratory