Family Astronomy: Moon, Jupiter & Saturn

Family Astronomy Live Tour: Moon, Jupiter & Saturn. December 11th, 2024, 8:00 PM CT. Background image shows images of the moon, Jupiter and Saturn in a black sky
Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 8:00 pm
Virtual (view details)
Cost: Free
McDonald Observatory would like to invite young astronomers and their families to come and learn about the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.


This program is being presented for young audience members, with grades 2-6 in mind, but kids of all ages (2-100+) are welcome to join in the fun. Please have your curious scientists bring their questions.

Moderators in the live chat will be taking questions, and the host will take more at the end.

Can’t make the livestream? The event will be recorded and remain on the McDonald Observatory’s YouTube channel. Add the event to your Facebook calendar here.

