Student Nomination Deadline: College Distinctions

A decorated graduation cap seen from behind is lined in burnt orange with the shape of Texas and Texas flag with a UT longhorn where the star of Texas would be. The graduate is looking on as others cross the graduation stage.
Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 5:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Cost: Free
Each spring, the College of Natural Sciences recognizes outstanding students, and members of the community nominate students for our awards.


Don’t miss the chance for the 23-24 academic year to nominate an outstanding undergraduate you know for top college recognition.
CNS Distinctions are awarded across four dimensions to graduating students:
  • Research
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Service & Leadership
  • Community & Student Engagement
The nomination process for these awards is intended to be brief and shouldn’t take more than a few minutes of your time. Nominations are open to all students, faculty and staff. Help us recognize deserving students this spring and nominate a CNS student here by Friday, February 2, at 5pm.

