CNS Goldwater Scholarship Info Session

The College of Natural Sciences is now accepting preliminary applications for the Goldwater Scholarship 2025. Information on the Goldwater Scholarship and how to submit a preliminary application can be found here.
Additionally, CNS students can attend a virtual information session to learn more about the Goldwater Scholarship and application process on Wednesday, September 25 at 4 p.m. CT or Tuesday, October 1 at 4 p.m. CT.
Students interested in attending either info session must RSVP here. Zoom links will be sent the day before each session to those who have submitted an RSVP. It is not necessary to attend more than one session as each will cover the same material. No prior preparation is needed. Attending an info session is not required in order to submit a preliminary application.
The deadline to submit a preliminary application is October 21, 2024 (11:59 PM Central). Questions? Contact