State of the College Address

An architectural detail of the University of Texas seal showing a star, book and face cut in limestone on a building
Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Hybrid (view details)
Cost: Free
Attend live on the UT campus or watch via livestream.


Updates on priorities, strategic planning, climate and more will be shared in this discussion with Dean David Vanden Bout. 

All faculty, staff, students and alumni are encouraged to learn about activities in the College of Natural Sciences to:

  • ensure a strong sense of community for our people
  • promote a spirit of discovery across our places of work and learning and
  • advance impact at scale in our research, education and experiences.

Learn how you can get involved, and come get answers to your questions. 


POB 2.302 (Avaya Auditorium)
