Academic and Unpaid Time Off

Requesting Faculty Leave

Faculty members may request the following types of leave: (1) academic leave (2) unpaid time off and (3) leave from the instructional budget (i.e., release time). In all cases, or for any combination of the leave types, a leave form must be completed and submitted.

This page outlines the process to request academic leave and unpaid time off. For information on release time, please click here.

Overview of Academic Leave vs. Unpaid Time Off

Academic Leave

Academic leave (previously Leave Without Pay) is unpaid, full-time leave for 30 days or longer in duration. This leave must be academic in nature (i.e., the faculty member is performing duties consistent with those of their position at the University--teaching, research, or service related).

Unpaid Time Off

Unpaid time off is leave that is 1) less than 30 days in duration (or is intermittent), 2) is for partial days or less than full time, and/or 3) is for personal reasons. Note that individuals taking this leave may not continue to receive their supplement(s) during the period of leave.


Requesting Academic Leave or Unpaid Time Off

The department administrator will work with faculty requesting academic leave or unpaid time off by submitting a Request for Leave of Absence ServiceNow Form.

In the section "Required Approval Routing," add the following:

  • The faculty member requesting leave
  • The Department Chair
  • Dean's Staff: Jacquelin Llado (jl6538). This field is required in CNS.
  • Dean or Dean Designate: Shardha Jogee (sj989)

When considering leave requests, Department Chairs should consider impact on course scheduling and availability for students. The leave request must include a justification explaining why the leave is in the best interests of the University and how it will increase the teaching effectiveness or scholarly productivity of the faculty. It should also specify what the faculty member will be doing while on leave. If leave is requested for unpaid time off for significant personal reasons (e.g., parental leave) the reason for the leave should not be stated on the leave request form.

If Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs approves the request, it will be routed forward to the Provost's Office for final approval. Once the leave request is final approved by the Provost's Office, the department will be notified through their MID ServiceNow ticket. APS will then process the leave in Workday. If the leave is denied, the Dean's Office will be in direct contact with the Department Chair.

Requests for Consecutive Leave

Per the HOP 2-2210 and Regents Rule 30201, requests for extensions of a leave without pay for a second academic year must be fully justified, and in no case should a faculty member expect an extension of more than one year. Except in very unusual circumstances a third consecutive leave of absence for one year will not be granted.

Required Materials

Deadlines for Submitting Academic Leave Requests

  • For the fall semester/long session, the deadline to submit leave is the first Friday in July.
  • For the spring semester, the deadline to submit leave is the first Friday in November.

Deadlines for Submitting Unpaid Time Off Requests

  • Requests for unpaid time off should be submitted to CNS Faculty Affairs at least one month prior to the effective date of the request.
When Are Leave Requests Unnecessary?

When Are Leave Requests Unnecessary?

Requesting leave is not necessary under the following circumstances:

  • Accrued sick leave or sick leave pool is being taken
  • A UT administrative appointment will pay all or part of a faculty member’s salary. For example, appointments as Dean, Associate Dean, Director, etc. do not require requesting leave
  • Leave is taken during the summer months
  • A faculty member will be paid by another department's faculty salaries account where they hold an appointment
  • Jury Duty
  • Official travel for research, teaching, administrative, State business, military leave (up to 15 days per year), etc., if all appropriate travel approvals have been secured in a timely manner
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